The Top 40 lessons I learnt in my 30 years (part 4)

December 31, 2020

  • Self-growth/personal development: Changing yourself involves doing simple things repeatedly 
  • Emotions (as it relates to learning): Confidence is the element that makes the boat (towards your results) go faster
  • Skill improvement: Conducting a gap analysis regularly is how you improve your skills at anything 
  • Self/happiness: BE YOU TILL FULL (beautiful)- because nobody cares that you choose to be anything other than your TRUE UNIQUE AMAZING SELF
    • Mind and emotions: You read a WhatsApp message that makes you angry, Your line manager send the message: ‘YOU ARE A BIG FOOL’. annoyed yet? Okay, close your eyes and imagine Bugs Bunny’s voice reading out the same message- ‘so whats up doc ? -YOU ARE A BIG FOOL’. Then read the message again as you would normally if your boss sent it. Then read it in Bugs voice. The result? it’s FUNNY! Most importantly, this experiment shows us we can control how we FEEL about things, because sits mostly about regulating our feelings and controlling our imaginings.
  • Achieving results: Establishing Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) is how you set goals and see them to completion
  • Mind: Imagine you desired something really epic, sweet and lovely- make sure you have the image in your head before moving ahead. Got that image? If yes. I want you to imagine it didn’t pan out well– the result you desired sucked in reality. Here’s the thing though, this in-turn allows for a different and more efficient kind of game plan for success- thats because breaking things, failing fast and failing forward ( at least in your mind) saves you so much time.  This kind of thinking allows you to be truly prepared to seize opportunities. It helps you confront possible difficulties, reality test your assumptions while preparing to be wrong.
  • Knowing yourself: Understanding yourself is better than reading 100 of the best books in the world

  • Career: focus on building a lifestyle you’ll love long-term. Prioritise living your ideal lifestyle over having an ideal career- Remember life over career! Repeat after me: ‘LIFE OVER CAREER! ‘

  • Giving yourself the much required time to grow into your ideal: Although goals are key, it helps to remember we are in control, as such its better to set the game up for yourself to win. Thus, doing the right work, consistently, and at a pace that works for you. For instance, do you deeply desire to be a world class investor? well giving your self 10 years to be an expert at your craft will do you a whole lot of good, than trying to learn the skill-set and mind-set in a year or under. This results in a less stressful life in the long run.

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About the author

I’m Akinfemi Onadele, I’m very passionate about sharing everything I’ve learned thereby helping you launch a very successful full-time or side hustle that is quite rewarding, and enjoyable.

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